Reading for the SMOL FAIR...

Reading for the SMOL FAIR...

The Definition of Empty is the new poetry collection by acclaimed author and New Mexico State Senator Bill O’Neill.

I’ll join us Bill, as well as celebrated poets Laura Cherry (Haunts), Greg Santos (Ghost Face) and Seth Berg (Lost in Bonkerville: Coma Recollections) as we all do out part to KEEP BOOKS DANGEROUS by supporting small press publishers, writers, and artists!

The event is hosted by your friend and mine, Ben Tanzer of HEFT Creative Strategies as part of the virtual juggernaut, SMOL FAIR.


5 Questions...

File Under: Blathering
Jared Carnie asked me 5 questions. I blathered on about indignantly about corporate publishing greedheads and bean-counters and the primal insult of work. Enjoy!

File Under: Mad Props
X-Ray Book & Novelty Co.

File Under: Listening
"Mean Old World" - Tina & Ike Turner - Ugh, so good!"
"Old Man Down the Road" - John Fogerty - You DO got to Hidy High-dy Hide!

File Under: Reading
Fierce Bitches - Jedidiah Ayres
Transit of Venus - Nancy Pogue LaTurner