Sugar, Sugar, Sugar, Sugar...

Sugar, Sugar, Sugar, Sugar...

The release of A DEEP & GORGEOUS THIRST - ANIMATED DRUNK POEMS continues here at the HQ!

Sean Lynch once again lends his fine Irish brogue to a poem about a drunken evening, a "stolen" car, and nebulous associations with sugar, with animation by the Galihpanji crew.

As ever, you can watch more animated drunk poems at OUR DEDICATED PAGE

I Barely Had 3 Drinks...

I Barely Had 3 Drinks...

Sometimes it's the SIZE of the drinks, not the number...

Walevska Perez-Herrera reads. Brody Lee musics. Lucas Schwantes animates. Hosho McCreesh did the writing (and drinking) for this, the latest in what promises to be a decade of animated drunk poems from Site 30 Studios and DrunkSkull Books.

Grab yourself a pitcher and enjoy!