Helluva Decade...


Pictured here are the various editions of a few of the highlights from the last decade. It seemed to be a good time to take stock — remind myself of the victories. I imagine it’ll be hard for me to top this — poetry, short stories, a book of letters, and my first novel — so I thought I’d take this opportunity to thank the editors and publishers who took a chance on the bigger projects over the last 10 years.

Jason Behrends of Orange Alert Press, Bill Roberts of Bottle of Smoke Press, Ryan Bradley of Artistically Declined Press, and Pete Lally of Pig Ear Press. I also managed to place some work with Johnny & Giselle Brewton’s BAGAZINE and a couple of offerings from Michael Curran’s Tangerine Press, as well as a re-release of two out-of-print titles with Matthew Ward’s Mary Celeste Press and a new imprint from Bill Roberts, Ternary Editions. I sure can’t thank each of them enough for believing in my work.

With the release of Chinese Gucci, I also started my own DrunkSkull Books, and with a cache of ISBNs under my arm, I will likely look to self-publish the occasional new title from here on out as well

And while I’m giving thanks — let me thank each of you reading this for your interest and support over the years. Your support of writers, small presses, and.artists makes the whole dang thing possible and that means more than you know to me.

3 Anniversaries...

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This time of year is always special for me. It brings with it 3 separate personal anniversaries:

It’s been 35 years since my mom left the hospital following her first cancer remission — a tremendously important thing for my entire family. Her Life Day is always worth celebrating.

It’s also been 20 Years since my very first acceptance. It’s hard to believe I’ve been stalking the wilds of the small press for two decades now.

And last but not least, it’s been 1 year since the release of my first novel Chinese Gucci.

To commemorate these 3 high-water marks, use the code 3ANNIVERSARIES between now and December 1st to take 30% off everything in the STORE.