Doug Draime...

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I was really jazzed to discover that late, small press legend, Doug Draime has a website. Now people everywhere can continue to marvel at his terrific body of work. Doug was a truly interesting person, one who lived many lives, experienced the highs and lows and knew it all well enough to report back from the hard, sad, dumb, and beautiful front lines of the human experiment. He seemed driven by a deep need to push and constantly create and probably threw away more great poems than I’ll ever write. There’s no one label or box you can stick his work in, and he was ever restless as a creator and artist. I miss his emails, his insights…and I really miss seeing new poems pop up every few weeks. I am glad to know things are still churning, and if you don’t know Doug’s work — do yourself a favor and go read yourself some.

I was equally delighted to find that Doug’s terrific short story, “Joe’s Smoke & News” is now FREE over at smashwords. It was published by mendicant bookworks — which put out a handful of great little yarns some years back, including THIS ONE (wink!).


As a way to help us out, the folks who manage this website have made GIFT CARDS (typically a paid service) available from now until September. So from now until then, we’ll have them in 4 different amounts in our store.

If you’ve got someone you’ve wanted to introduce to the HQ, or if you know you’ll be in the market for some future goodness, now is a great time to grab up a gift card. They never expire, and are good for any and everything we carry.

And as a way to support a few of the places I admire (in this instance it’s Two Dollar Radio), I’m offering up an additional freebie to the next 5 orders over $10.

Stay safe out there!