Drive In (On the Information Superhighway!)

Drive In (On the Information Superhighway!)

Yep…It’s Another Animation For Y’all To Watch!

This time it’s what to do when there’s nothing left to do.

The cinematic claymation is courtesy of Tharinda Dharmasena and team Sri Lanka, and the drunk poem is read by Scott Meier.


The THIRST animations continue to roll in, and in this short piece you’ll notice the beginning of a trend: the utter perfection of the Tanqueray and Tonic. This time the paper-based stop-motion animation comes from our talented team in Sri Lanka — delivering once more with whimsy and charm — while the reading is courtesy of a budding young talent in his own regard, Brody Lee.

As for the cocktail itself: a Tanqueray and Tonic enjoys a staring role in quite a few drunk poems across the entire collection, and, well, the end of this poem should help everyone understand why!