Drunk Poem Animation #1 by Mattia Adorni, Narrated By Sean Lynch

Drunk Poem Animation #1 by Mattia Adorni, Narrated By Sean Lynch

For the forthcoming release of A DEEP & GORGEOUS THIRST - UNABRIDGED AUDIO here at the HQ we had yet another hair-brained scheme: get a few of the tracks animated. And, by god, they came out great!

Here’s the first of them: Sean Lynch lends his fine Irish brogue to a poem about 2 friends trying to drink 100 shots of cheap beer.

Animation by Italy's own Mattia Adorni (go hire him via Fiverr)


A Special HAPPY MOTHER'S DAY Man in the Gutter Interview - Memes

A Special HAPPY MOTHER'S DAY Man in the Gutter Interview - Memes

Happy Mother’s Day!

As the launch of the A DEEP & GORGEOUS THIRST - UNABRIDGED AUDIO approaches, we will be peppering the airwaves with a few bits, including a short series of Man in the Gutter Interviews with people who were either part of or present for some of the drunk poems when they happened and have graciously lent their vocal talents to the project. Today, of course, we had to interview my mom about a poem we were both present for…if only a bit!

And while we’re still a ways off from our May 24th release, the pre-sale is going strong.

We hope you’ll enjoy this tiny behind-the-scenes taste until this gorgeous beast actually lands! As an added bonus to today’s post, here’s the poem she’s talking about.