…when Michael D. Blum (who we have to thank for the original inspiration behind the audiobook which has since led to these A DEEP & GORGEOUS THIRST animations), narrates this late-night, booze-soaked claymation by Jeremy Lopez. This is the latest in the on-going ANIMATED DRUNK POEMS project, so grab a drink and kick back for about 40 seconds!
More Drunk Poem Animations...
My super-smart and super-lovely wife told me that, despite both the book and now the audiobook being out for a while, I should keep making my drunk poems into animated videos. And as she’s never led me astray, that’s exactly what I’m doing!
It will likely be a years-long project, but someday I’ll hopefully have them all done. You may recall, the book is…not short…so, it’s going to be an undertaking. But there are so many cool styles and approaches to animation, so many folks out there in the world just doing their thing — that I’m going to do my part to share as much as I can!