The ANIMATED good times just keep on rolling — with this new drunk poem animation about some of those lousy ‘ol party times!
[Animator] brings your friend and mine, Ben Tanzer’s, terrific reading to liquid, dripping, boozy life in this latest installment of our probably-years-long ANIMATED DRUNK POEMS project. Share the word far & wide!
180 Seconds...(or less!)
Welp, whatd’ya know…the kind folks at the Santa Fe Reporter have not only revitalized the film festival circuit with what they’re calling, “the return of that sweet film festival, 3 minute style,” they’ve also invited one of our drunk poem animations to be involved!
The annual film fest, sponsored by the Santa Fe Reporter and held at the Center for Contemporary Arts, aims to, “celebrate all that cinema that is short, sweet and to the point.” We’re pleased as punch that one of our drunk poems fit the bill! So if you happen to be in Santa Fe on Wednesday, December 29th, 2021 at about 6pm, why not come root for all the local cinematic talent! Tickets are $10, and available below!
Viva la small press! And long live the DrunkSkull!