The Low Grumble of Thunder...
Years ago, I had this little ditty published by Six Sentences and, well, I’ve always had a soft spot for it. Mel Bosworth also made a terrific recording of it and — while it’s never appeared anywhere else — I loved just knowing it was out there in the world. I went looking for that terrific recording not too long ago, and unfortunately it seems it has been lost to the vagaries and slow degradation of the interwebs.
The piece has always had exactly the right feel for a more cinematic treatment…and, well, I finally got around to finding the talent folks needed to realize that visual dream! If only I had Mel’s voice to go with it! Oh well, we’ll have to settle for mine. So here we are, years after its original publication, checking yet another little bit off the to-do list of forever.
And Marc Hamill (not that one, I don’t think!) really did It up, really understanding the mood and feel I was after in the piece was after. And when that happens, it always feels like I owe the fates a little thank you…so thank you!
If interested, you can watch other fun stuff over at the Audio/Video, Misc. Page.